Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Draft Press Release 1: Announcement

President Preston Parker
Social Media Club of Cache Valley
851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321
(661) 772-7537

LOGAN, Utah- The Social Media Club of Cache Valley is having its quarterly Tweet up at Café Sabor tonight at 6:30. The SMCCV has been around since August of 2009, its purpose is to educate people about social media through meetings and networking with experienced business owners in the valley. “A lot of small businesses in Cache Valley would greatly be affected by social media, it helps the community get information quicker,” President Preston Parker of SMCCV said.

The purpose of the Social Media Club of Cache Valley is to educate people about social media, through meetings, and networking with experienced people
Get together once a month talking and sharing ideas
August 2009 based on 2 other board members attended slc social club meetings and decided to do one in cache valley
4 board members switched out
A lot of small businesses in cv would greatlly be affected by social media, business pick up, non profit, bear river uses to post things, helps community get information out quicker
Non membership fee
No real compensations, non profit, volunteer, takes donations and sponsorships
7 boards members, all have done paid consulting
Anyone can come to meetings
Facebook page
Kids to 80 year olds
Most people in club are trying to learn social media for a purpose, creating awareness
First meeting tonight 6:30 to closing Café Sabor 10 bucks drinks, chips and meal
Door prizes, name tags
80 people have showed up
Café sabor tweet up every quarter, otherwise every 2nd Tuesday, meet at borders – panels
Hands on, people who are doing it, all experts in Cache valley are members of the social media club
Provide the education

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