Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Final Press Release 1: Announcement

President Preston Parker
Social Media Club of Cache Valley                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

Need Help With Social Media?
Facebookers, Tweeters and other social media meet monthly to help improve social media skills

LOGAN, Utah- The Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV) is having its quarterly Tweet Up at Café Sabor at 6:30 p.m. The SMCCV has been around since August of 2009.   Its purpose is to educate people about social media through meetings and networking with experienced business owners in the valley.

“A lot of small businesses in Cache Valley would greatly be affected by social media, it helps the community get information quicker,” President Preston Parker of SMCCV said.

Parker and his colleagues decided to model the SMCCV after Salt Lake City’s social media club in 2009.  The seven board members of the SMCCV have all done paid consulting.  Parker said all experts of the Cache Valley are members as well.  The club has monthly meetings every second Tuesday at Border’s.  Meeting vary from panel , discussions and hands on activities.  The age ranges from children to 80 year olds. 

The SMCCV is a non-profit organization and is accepting donations and sponsorships as well as volunteers.  Membership is free.  Door prizes will be awarded tonight.
Visit us at smccv.net or find us on Facebook under SMCCV.

For more information please contact PR consultant Maddy Jack 801-555-5643 or mad.jack@gmail.com.

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