Monday, September 6, 2010

Letters to Cousin

Dear Joe,
As you know I have been attending Utah State University for the past two years. Go Aggies! The main topic of focus that I have chosen to study is Public Relations. I know you are thinking, “what in the world is Public Relations, and what do people in Public Relations do?” I know I thought that when I first started. Well, PR people do a lot actually.
Basically Public Relations helps organizations achieve their goals and objectives while communicating with the public, governments, stockholders, employees and anyone else involved or concerned. It is very important to be able to build and maintain relationships. Equally important is the ability to express yourself through presentations as well as the written word. Although many people joke about PR professionals as liars, we are taught that being ethical is a number one priority.
PR professional jobs can range anywhere from event planning, to research, to promoting the next U.S. Open. You will begin to notice PR is everywhere. The BP oil crisis is swarming with PR- those professionals are trying to salvage the company image by putting a positive spin on the clean up efforts. Even the latest college athletic conference fiasco deals with PR.
Can’t wait to see you at the football game in October, till then,
Sincerely your favorite cousin,


  1. Hi Maddy,

    Nice definition of PR! I think you could have written in more detail about the specifics of PR, but the entire topic is so broad that I don't fault you for keeping it simple.

    Also, I don't have my AP stylebook with me right now, but there may be a few minor style issues (passive voice, weird comma business) that you could edit out.

    Overall, a nice letter to a cousin!


  2. I really liked your PR definition. I liked how you brought up the PR stereotype and talked about how are taught to bring the profession to a higher standard.

  3. I used the BP oil spill example in my letter as well! I think that it is a good example because it is a recent and everyone saw the story and responses from the company all over the news. I liked your letter, it was right to the point and a great explanation of PR.

  4. I like that you used current issues as examples in your letter. It made the understanding process of the PR profession easier and gave good insight. You had some very good descriptions of what is being done in the profession and I'm glad this is my major, because you made it sound fun and interesting!

  5. I love how you brought ethical issues into your letter. I think that is a very important part of PR, but not many people mention it. I also really liked that you explained what PR is with current event examples. You did a great job explaining what PR Is. I did not see however you writing about what types of writing PR professionals do.
